Las Vegas Strip Hotel Deals
Last-minute hotel deals at Expedia
If you are looking for a last-minute deal for hotels at the Las Vegas Strip, click the banner below. There you’ll find great deals for tonight, this weekend and next weekend.
Las Vegas Strip hotel rates
Hotels in Las Vegas are usually relatively cheap because most hotels have casinos where people lose a lot of money. There’s a good chance a hotel guest tries out the casino at the hotel the guest stays at. That being said, Las Vegas Strip hotels are extremely good at adapting their rates which means that good deals are possible but also that some weekends are pretty expensive. Weekends are always more expensive than weekdays and weekends such as Christmas, New Year’s, Super bowl and March Madness finals can lead to very high rates. Those weekends you can forget about good deals.
Seasonal rates variation in Las Vegas
Since the climate in Las Vegas is pretty good year-around, the off season is short. The easiest times to get a great deal for hotels at the Las Vegas Strip are in January, February, July and August. Of course, this coincide with either cold weather (Jan, Feb) or very hot weather (Jul, Aug).